Acupuncture and herbal medicine are powerhouse treatments for fertility and reproductive health. For girls and women in stages of hormonal change, acupuncture can help ease physical symptoms and emotions, and restore balance.
With acupuncture treatment, women will report that their periods are easier, they feel less moody and emotional, and their cramps are minimized. Teenage girls also respond very well to acupuncture and often only need a short series of treatments to get balanced. Are you trying to conceive? Acupuncture is a highly recommended addition to your fertility plan, whether or not you are working with doctors and/or taking medication.
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Red Sage Acupuncture
1310 S Tryon St, Suite 109, North Carolina 28203, United States
24 hours advance notice required for all appointment changes. The full appointment fee will be due for same day cancellations and missed appointments.