As an acupuncturist, I see every day that physical and emotional health are all about balance. Acupuncture is a gentle, effective treatment that helps relieve pain and rebalance the body and restore calm, without side effects.
For each new patient, I do a full intake. We will discuss your health history, current symptoms, and any life factors that may be impacting your health. I will then determine whether I can help you and estimate the number of treatments you'll need. Most patients need at least five treatments as a foundation.
Each time you come to see me, you will receive a treatment customized just for you. We will talk about how you are doing, your current state of health, and what has changed. You will then have the opportunity to relax and receive a gentle treatment.
I recommend weekly treatment at the beginning. As you begin to feel better, you can choose to space your treatments biweekly or monthly.
Acupuncture is a wonderful medicine that does not create dependency. However, because life is always in motion, you do have a resource for continued wellness.
Once you feel better, you can continue with active maintenance: monthly wellness treatments, or a tune-up at the change of seasons. You may also simply come back to the clinic if your symptoms start to return – we can usually address symptoms much more quickly at this point.
Red Sage Acupuncture
1310 S Tryon St, Suite 109, North Carolina 28203, United States
24 hours advance notice required for all appointment changes. The full appointment fee will be due for same day cancellations and missed appointments.